Why Choose us? Because its personal

Our Customers

  • The MySupportMoney Team is very caring and thorough. They help us find and manage the right staff team for my son; sort out our Personal Health Budget with the ICB and make sure the right money gets to the right place every month so everyone gets paid properly and on time. They also help me plan what staff need to do and when, including fun things for us to do together as a family and 'date nights' for me and my husband

  • My Support Broker’s skills were excellent. He allowed me to pause, gave me time to retrieve words when I needed to. I felt he had all the time in the world to sit and listen to me. Without his help I would not have had the confidence to move from Care Agency to employing my own staff. Having Salma and Ussma as my Personal Support Assistants means I can now get more back to my own life going to Church, bridge club, doing my own shopping and even Theatre nights. I also don’t have to bother my family when hospital and other appointments come up as my Personal Assistants and I just organise that between us. The girls from the Agency were nice but they were only allowed to do what was on their work sheet and I had to stick to a fixed rota. The MySupportMoney Team manage all the practical and financial details of my support with my son.

  • Lots of choices and and control seems to be taken away from you when you get older, especially if you are not in full health. Before I was introduced to the MySupportMoney Team I was unable to control what I was going to do on a day to day basis, even on an hour to hour basis sometimes. So now being able to feel in control of my own help and support, about what I want to do, has been really important to me. It has helped me feel good about myself and my life again.

Our Brokers
Our brokers are experts by training AND experts by experience

“The thing I love most about being a broker is helping people to change their lives and live the ones they want to live.”

“The training was fantastic, it gave me a formal qualification and all of the practical skills I needed to become a great broker and help my customers.”

“I feel honoured that people share their stories with me and allow me to help them fix what’s not working for them, it’s a real privilege.”

Quality Assurance

“ Why Quality Assurance is at the heart of everything MSB Does ”

Mysupport College

MySupportBroker has its own registered and accredited college, regulated by the Department for Education